AI Rebels
The AI Rebels Podcast is dedicated to exploring and documenting the grassroots of the current AI revolution. Every week a new episode is posted wherein the hosts interview entrepreneurs and developers working on the cutting edge. Tune in to benefit from their insight.
AI Rebels
AI Law ft. Cyrus Johnson and Project Gist
In this episode of the AI Rebels Podcast, we're joined by Cyrus Johnson, a visionary in AI-driven legal innovation. Broadcasting from McKinney, Texas—a city aspiring to become the AI hub of the state—Cyrus shares his journey from traditional law to groundbreaking advancements at the intersection of legal practice and artificial intelligence.
With decades of experience spanning global finance, startups, and Fortune 500 legal counsel, Cyrus paints a vivid picture of how technology is reshaping the legal industry. He introduces Project Gist, a revolutionary initiative designed to empower both lawyers and clients by transforming law into actionable knowledge. Imagine a world where AI bridges the gap between legal jargon and everyday understanding, creating bespoke "law bots" to assist in everything from compliance to courtroom preparation.
We also dive into the future of AI in law—will there be AI lawyers, jury members, or even boardroom advisors? Cyrus challenges traditional power structures within the legal field while advocating for tools that democratize access to justice.
This is a must-watch for anyone curious about the evolving role of AI in transforming industries and creating a more accessible, transparent future. Don’t miss this deep dive into the cutting edge of legal tech!
hi everybody and welcome to another episode of the AI Rebels podcast we're very excited to have Cyrus here with us Cyrus welcome to the show hey thanks very much for having me on appreciate it Cyrus is calling in from um his offices in Mckinney Texas which is just recently then they are aiming to become the AI hub of Texas which is very exciting which is fitting coming from Cyrus an AI law expert that we're having on here Cyrus can you tell us a little bit about a little bit about your background where you're coming from well we only hit what we aim at so if Mckinney aims for to be the AI hub of Texas yeah Learned it over the years of 23 uh 22 years of law uh that what we aim at is what we hit so if we don't aim at it we're not gonna hit it I began at the university of San Francisco as an undergrad I was political science and international relations I studied Indian China primarily with a heavy emphasis on the mid twentieth century oh my God oh my God tried my hand at traditional finance as a Series 7 analyst um doing municipal uh municipal bonds hmm major investment company then I took a flyer on a startup back east very interesting story they were called Value America they were uh in 1998 trying to do what Amazon does today so sell every every everything on the net washing machines cars well we went public in April of 99 um everybody was rich everybody was excited hahaha two years previous so when it looked like the company was closing and it eventually did I jumped back to law school again university of San Francisco where I was undergrad enrolled in the law school and graduate in 2002 did a state planning until I got picked up by a global investment platform that was beginning who which in 2004 was kind of crazy is it we're starting funds and we're gonna we're starting a fund and we're gonna invest in India and everybody said he crazy and you know this and that so we founded a team in Mumbai and I was able to travel there my first trip to India very very special very eye opening um any event several years as c 0 I don't know we did India we did China we did Singapore and then uh from there I left to become outside council for technology for a Fortune 500 company for them I did uh deals in the 5 to 15 million dollar size buying software technology I don't know with some of the people I knew already for the previous years we work with emphasis and we work with Whippro and we work with Satyam and we work with all the all the BPO names that are now huge mega mega names so several years technology contracting um got uh nearly moved to Singapore in 2011 uh and then from there was hired at another asset management firm Private Family Office that was a five year tour of duty we had a major litigation we had a two major litigations one in state court one 400 million in federal court uh so I was wearing two hats as manager of an asset uh company asset management company and uh lawyer tending to hmm and that's one of the things that opened my eyes to see being a lawyer who was a lawyer working as a lawyer but also a client of lawyers Umm hmm yeah having a lawyer to represent me and the companies in a litigation and then covid hits right we're all familiar with the pandemic it changed everything I saw my the they are the most brilliant lawyers in the US they are recognised in the Bay Area but I saw my lawyer who's been at it since 1971 a year before I was born he's been in practice and I watched this this bear this lion of the courtroom yeah we're doing court on a zoom screen haha so it was a major catalyst event we relocated from Truckee California by Lake Tahoe to Dallas Texas market in August 21 and since I've been here I'm doing two things yeah very heavily with my project awesome no that's and that I think that's what we're seeing a lot of is this like hodgepodgent industries and then coming to AI and wanting to help those industries adapt and adopt that AI and AI kind of helps bring a lot of those threats together uh huh we said the internet was the information superhighway and AI is like the information mega superhighway it's like the internet 10 x uh huh yeah just quickly slightly off topic from my AI but I'd be really curious to hear about you mentioned that you know you saw like calling like a line of legal profession reduced like a you know a screen oh in terms of how you guys do your work with shit thousand percent one thousand percent it's and it's not a minor modification yeah it was the pandemic was a tinkering it was the pandemic was a major mega ton bomb and I'll just tell the story that you ask about you have 40 year lawyers and if we think about it you we were all aware mm hmm when a super lawyer litigator goes into a courtroom they have perfected over 40 or 50 years in some cases each pattern gesture you know the physicality of it so when they can raise their eyebrow and do something with the judge that no other attorney can do their behaviour is studied the mechanics of it are all aimed at getting to right information of what the case requires and so for me seeing that whole thing be swept away and seeing that same lawyer on a screen and he's adjusting his volume and image yeah Superman without the cape mm hmm that's just one example um so there's kind of like a pre AI bomb and then we all know 2023 was the breakthrough year for AI yeah AI I believe AI then came in and said oh here's the solution here's the new modality and so we're on to not changing the way we do it I'm I believe we are doing a brand new thing yeah interesting yeah yeah that is bear um he's our mascot he's not allowed on the counter but whenever I'm on a podcast he takes haha yeah he's a rascal haha well Cyrus I'm so tell us about Project Gist what's what's the goal there so the goal is to turn law into thought that sounds like a lot boiled down into a small statement what does that mean law gets delivered and has always been delivered for the last say uh huh you have an expert and a non expert paradigm you have one who has all of the information and one who does not you have one who has all the power in the system and one who does not and so the non expert comes to the expert and says you have the information you have the power will you help me and the expert says sure I will first thing you do is make a deposit of a retainer right I'm going to need X dollars and then I'll Bill against those X dollars and each time I spend an hour you'll pay more the non expert is always typically and I've seen large clients and small clients the client will say to the lawyer ha ha I'm sure and the lawyer will say which is true it's not a ruse the lawyer will say to the non expert right ha ha this happens okay so we have a system where have had a system where the person who is the vendor controls a the the payment uh the valuation metric okay that's how much is paid for this service right the duration of the service okay and three uh so the time that's going to be spent on this service and the 4 is the information that's going to be used to win in this service so we have effectively a monopoly of the expert and the non expert sits there and says okay so I have to pay you whatever you tell me what happens if I don't pay you oh well then we exit immediately lawyers have a right hmm we can just terminate instantly hmm water water water and if you stop paying it's over ring legal issues is it a car accident is it a divorce is it a major uh capital uh financing is it is it your criminal liability uh huh haha 90 k a day guys 90 k a day and we can spend that's wild so back to the back to the modality the attorney has all the power client has none of the power what I saw in the pandemic was shoot man my lawyer is just on the same damn zoom screen that I am and also in many cases he's figure you know he's been around 50 years he's figuring out the zoom yeah and Microsoft teens and the tools since 2015 so I got my camera set up blah blah blah so 2020 was a major um hmm hmm and I think your original question was how does it change the law is that what you asked me no no no you're good just like what is it I know you said you want just the idea is to turn the law into thought and I'm I'm curious like what that looks like what what is that if you could give maybe like an example of something you've seen I so I painted the current story which is that expert billable our modality that's how most people access law think of other ways you can access law you can read a book right come here you can phone a friend I have a friend who's a lawyer hey buddy what's going on with this you can go to law school which takes three years you can buy a subscription to Lexus Nexus or West Law who are the two major law things but if you're a late person the problem there again is nomenclature uh huh um you can search the internet until AI broke through whoops there goes my dogs ha ha go to law school blah blah blah we would search on the internet there's a problem there too with nomenclature the late person doesn't understand right uh huh so if you don't know what the word means legally you only know what it means linguistically you're gonna make a mistake so searching the internet was fraud with peril so everything was bifurcate everything was um what's the what's the mm hmm thank you everything was funneled into only the lawyer knows client doesn't know during the representation the client is not taught by the way and this is small spin pro Bono up to top three and five million dollar engagements that I've dealt with before at the end of it the lawyer the client knows mm hmm than they did after paying three and five million dollars it's because uh there's an exclusivity of the information so the lawyer says let me handle this I don't wanna hear from you oh my God I don't wanna hear about Bob I don't wanna hear about the past don't tell me that story about Boba all this stuff is relevant but in the current modality it all gets bifurcated data and information goes to the lawyer mm hmm read a book go to law school talk to a friend all those things I talked about do not do not do not what is machine learning it's nothing other than a hyper internet AI is uh I say 10,000 x internet it is threaded data internets that go through our websites hmm and then even to our operations right I sit at a desk as a lawyer how am I going to do this job I'm gonna pull in this AI tool that becomes part of my workflow as a lawyer so AI is like 10,000 x internet threaded through all of our systems it's all data based it's all word based the law itself unlike medicine is uh no physical bodies we're dealing with language and so I say the other thing I always say is law is data the law is data so what an AI enables us to do is to take this data and to parse this data and to recombinate this data and to re present this data in one way in 10 ways no you know which way can you do it Mister Lawyer ha ha what decides to get built and are we gonna have lay people building uh legal AI are we gonna have lawyers building law AI lawyers don't know how to code coders don't know how to law project just takes the coder the developer the dev and the lawyer and we make teams oh okay and a developer in a discreet jurisdiction is it yeah and every 50 state is different the county that they're in and then the subject matter area of the law that they're in there are car accident attorney there are personal injury attorney there are compliance attorney there are you know you name it uh huh by joining twin teams of developer and lawyer both technical by the way haha uh huh I'm highly technical but my discipline happens to be the esoterica is it so I need my buddy here so yeah what I have termed bespoke law bots and so long winded no that's fascinating but I can tell you more about the law bots you just drill drill down or what yeah I'd love to hear more I just um I think it's a really interesting uh value proposition because I've I've long had an interest in law um I I did the competitive debate in high school and so it's like you know I always got the comments from people that I should go into law um and I didn't want to um but I still have have had a fascination with law for years and so I think that the something like this is really really important because um you have better attention so from a you know from like a criminal law perspective as well um there's so many people who simply don't actually understand like the criminal charges levied against them let it loan like you know their their own defense um and so having a tool like this that can not only enhance you know somebody's understanding of legal situation they're in but also enhance their communication with their lawyers is huge makes a huge difference and you should probably think about going to law school hahaha law is nothing other than language language which enables and freeze or which confines and then literally confines as you say can literally confine so um I'm biased cause I'm a lawyer but when I talk about AI touching language I give a premium to the law the law is most important maybe among medicine because that language is what enables or what confines uh huh this is not for lawyers but it is for lawyers it's not for the late person and it is for the late person so we seek to raise understanding of legal principles worldwide because I happen to believe that would make for a more productive world a more free world yeah and also the last thing I should say it's not a contra the lawyer client relationship it's a it's an additive yeah get better service from their lawyer totally I I know you yeah that's amazing I love this idea of empowering both which is like a multiplicative effect there of empowering both the client and the lawyer and I know you touched you mentioned briefly the medical field I feel like law and medicine are the two almost black box industries for delay person right there's so much nomenclature and link and this foreign language that you don't understand and this is an area I have been so excited for AI to reach and touch and I are you seeing push back from lawyer sires I could see I could see I mean like I know doctors are pushing back where they're like hey this is my world back off AI like I know what I'm doing I don't need you are you seeing similar stuff from lawyers do people love revolutionaries never haha no they don't your podcast is called AI Rebels right I'm assuming that indicates uh huh metaphorically with concepts and tools and content thank you yeah the law is a trillions of dollar industry okay trillions and growing there are structures real structures not ad hoc structures but real structures of power that god love them everyone's in their own self interest that's humanity each person in their own self interest people will protect what matters to them okay so um Harvard Law School once call Harvard Business Business School B School Harvard Business School once called the law firm the most successful profit center in human history what haha haha you know your private equity your venture capital everything history the law firm the Corporate Law Commer large Corporate Law firm is the large most successful profit center created in human history so I don't really have to beg the question too much can you see that we're going to be doing things and not by choice by necessity in a whole new way as the laid public and as for instance Cfos C 0 os access Harvey or they access GPT or they access whatever other AI tools are out there people non lawyers are becoming uh legally educated outside of those structures will there be an Empire Strikes Back there already is if you've heard of do not pay is one uh leading example do not pay was a company that still around great company by the way um they said we're gonna build the first law robot we're gonna build a law robot what they built was a piece of code that would inform the user on how to do law so a non lay person think of it that you mentioned the doctor a lay person doing surgery haha the law is the same thing thank you we're going to teach you how to do the law yourself what happened I think it was 48 out of 50 state bars cease and desist letter hahaha K for the dreaded what's called UPL UPL is the acronym for unauthorized practice of law okay lawyers have a license to practice law non lawyers don't have a license to practice law the argument was a piece of software is not a lawyer it cannot practice law and again in case you're not aware the uh ethical rules in states are not like um in in many and most states they're criminal in nature nothing so if you practice law without a license it's a criminal sanction like jail fines sanction in addition to losing your license getting sanctioned so do not pay was notified and they I think they got too far over their skis is how I look at it hmm and what I'm doing they had who was that at one point they had suggested that their clients get earbuds haha haha it will tell you it will give you the answer haha yeah yeah I love them they're still doing great work in AI in various fields but that was like an early indicator and so it didn't take too long for 48 states to say you're in big trouble uh huh yes um what I'm trying to evangelize is um do not see this as a threat a mm hmm fuck you uh huh let us make it bigger let us put it in a context and let us break down some of those walls that I talked about earlier of the power imbalance the information imbalance um yeah and then the last piece of good news would be you mentioned medical the piece of great news is this been done already what we are attempting what we are accomplishing in law we had in the 90s when you guys were in elementary school or something haha oh in the 90s a company called Medscape came into fruition uh 1994 or 5 they said ha ha you're crazy you're unethical and you're dangerous these are physical bodies people are gonna see something on the internet and people will die metscape eventually was purchased by another company that we know very well Web MD hmm knowing that you could go on the net with your sniffles or your you know scratch on your arm I can go online and not self diagnose but to an extent I love you you go in with the doctor and it always reposed in the doctor's mind and so you must pay the doctor insurance pays the doctor Medscape Webmd digitized much of medicine and I would lastly say that we're gonna have an even easier time with law cause we don't have the physicality we don't have the bodies right we're dealing with tools which can readily be streamed over the internet so this is no worries yeah we love it yeah yeah and we're here for our listeners to learn from you as well um I'd be curious this is a little out there but what do you think are the odds right here you know obviously like let's let's pretend that you know the legal questions of like nah I mean it passed the bar right no it passed the bar and I have on my substack AI Council that substack com I have talked about things like robot juror hahaha what if the 13th juror had perfect access to the record of the case all the admissible information and the law was crystal clear in the robot's mind could this robot be a tool to talk to the rest of the jurors to inform them it's interesting uh huh there are it was it was um it was the head of innovation I believe for Goldman Sachs who said in the last two months we ought to have an AI member of the board of directors in how interesting wake up board member and again unlike the human which forgets gets tired makes things wrong gets emotional right we get emotional uh board member would have perfect recollection of huh all the uh mandates of the company of business plan so back to your question about an an AI lawyer is it possible it would depend upon very much the context it would depend upon the area of law that was being contemplated 1 2 3 that makes a lot of sense yeah that makes sense I'm I'm curious with um I know you talked about the mission of of just how like what stage is it could can are people using it now is it still building the yeah and is it restricted to certain states I know you mention different charges jurisdictions everything like that so just is a two year old project and I still call it a project because we are on our way to being a company we're not yet a company we're a project so we have built um several series of products that we have we have lawyers using it we have laid people using it under our auspices um probably the biggest thing proof of concept would be doing a demo for um the State Bar of Texas so that was in January of this year and they had an interesting problem I don't mind sharing it's not confidential um and these are the kind of just the manutia mm hmm yeah and I think I got it wrong I think in my pitch I said two haha but so they have 260 some odd counties when a lawyer who's litigating in a county is gonna go on vacation they will write a letter to the court and say I'm going on vacation from December 1st to December 15th they stamp it they mail that letter to the court a woman at the court clerk's office opens that envelope and sits in a chair and types into the court computer you know Mr Jones and here's his contact information will be out of hey they cannot schedule any hearings during that date that's why they do that opposing council can't get up to any mischief like the guy or gal is on vacation and the opposing council says I'm gonna trick them I'm gonna file this motion they can't nothing happen everything stops in the case but you have 260 plus counties that are doing this process some of them are emailing good for them most of them are doing the vacation letter so a physical letter that's mailed in thinking the law and convention it has their signature on it an email could be sent by staff maybe the date is wrong uh huh the court makes a mistake they want almost like writing a check right hmm yeah but the lawyer sent so it's a convention of the older okay three state bar presidents one two three came in and so one year term I believe three state bar presidents came in and said I'm gonna fix the vacation letter problem right cause it's a lot of work it's a hassle the new bar president came in last year and I said you know I I can build something for you what are you gonna build and I thought just getting into it again I mean year one so we built an experimental smart calendar you know an online calendar where you can go in and type in a calendar and then I said no wait a minute a bot so we built a bespoke bot that was basically a simple interview bot go to this link hi Mr Jones what's your name spell it right what's your email do it right what's your phone number do it right what dates are you out do it right with a confirmatory hmm here's your thing here's your dates out are all these incorrect are all these correct or incorrect yes correct submit these bot messages go directly to each court into their um yeah we began with doing just email it'll generate an email so State bar 75,000 lawyers we built a solution it happened that they did not want to go with our solution and so you learn a valuable lesson in startup land which is you can put your whole heart into it and believe you know we're gonna do this we're gonna have this great and then it doesn't happen and so on a personal level you guys rebel AI rebels is startups right rape so I'm gonna do a deal with these great guys and we're gonna be off to the races and then they decline and then you have to say shoot haha haha haha wait a minute the expanse of time weeks after that I said still in all ours they're still doing what they were doing now today on November of 2024 ours would have given an instant solution so not everybody's ready to adopt soon yeah I'm off track with your question another time sorry I don't know no that's a fascinating example you asked about attraction and where we are 2 years old have my third back end developer I won't tell you about the first two haha I have done not one but three applications to YC I did December 22 I did December 23 and then in uh February of 24 they send me an email we wanna hear from you you guys turned me down twice yeah so I okay let's go a third time so I recruited a CEO young guy who's into code because I'm as I mentioned older I don't think I'm old but any event the YC is a demographic recruited a younger CEO to run it they turned us down again haha Open AI said apply for a super alignment grant and we'll give you three or five million dollars and I said that I want three or five million dollars haha our project as you might imagine is very uh uh GPU dependent it's very banned with dependent so $3 million is nothing when you have Sam Altman talking about trillions right yeah yeah I said that's enough seed that's gonna get this thing up and running applied almost as an exercise with open AI did all my stuff and said well this would be a good learning experience which I did was great applied in December of 23 and then just put it to bed it's not gonna happen um and then in March I get an email from them saying you're still in contention and we're gonna make our decision by the end of the month haha so that email commenced as you might guess about 48 hours of hard striving to bring the best and greatest in in tool demo and information refining my message hmm hmm getting that into open AI they said they let me know by the end of March the end of March came and went I get very nervous the first week of April it's it's Easter and I kinda send a gentle ping to my contact there and my email bounces back oh no the mind wanders I said my plan was so crazy that they think I'm crazy someone's blocked my email man hahaha even the AI guys think I'm too crazy you send me the confirm I got it and then I didn't hear anything for weeks and then I send the email hey I'm gentle ping I'm just checking in and it bounces back and I'm like what the heck so it turns out that person had it wasn't me that person had been depersoneled yeah haha thanks for playing uh we're not we're not going with you uh but we had 2,000 applicants and we chose 50 so thinking that I'm up there in the last month yeah I'll bank on there's enough Jews here these guys didn't say your total clown show haha I'm not a clown show sometimes I am ask ha ha I I dream about it guys it's it's in my dreams and I tell people I don't have an idea hmm so I am straddling the law world and you know run it running a law practice solo but with partners um affiliate lawyers doing legal business and then always going over here and my wife's like Johnson do your Johnson do your bills haha I've talked to three venture funds who reached out to me uh touch it one of them said you're too soon let us know when you have money uh one of them just said no one of them said I wanna talk to you in 60 days yeah you may be familiar with them the spin off of Open AI hmm but they're trying to do AI in a super line safe way this is you probably know the story will go into it so I'm pursuing them and then of course other large venture firms I've been offered seed capital just this week I declined seed capital uh cause my wife says cause you're crazy I said no um because it wasn't a fit we always I and I will again this comes from I've been on the investment side as a lawyer guys for 20 years so I've seen people receiving money for 20 years and my clients were the investors mostly I've helped entrepreneurs and companies to receive money but I'm familiar with the optics and the process so someone this week are I'm gonna give you seed money and then we had meeting and I said wait a minute it's not a compatible fit right one thing I tell clients is who are raising money not all angel investors are angels it's good advice there's two kinds of angels and even that the desire to have C capital can't cannot overcome your reason right reason to say can I can I do I wanna work with this person can I work with this person can it and it might not be their fault might be your fault you know I'm not compatible I'm gonna annoy the hell out of them or they're gonna annoy the hell out of me and it will eat into our productiveness so still a project getting very close it's exciting I'm gonna have capital in by the time I toast my uh haha that's awesome I think it's a really powerful vision um and and to me I feel like the powerful visions are what end up winning out you know uh huh is is a crap shoot right like like I've been around it my whole life my dad was in start UPS his whole life so it's like I you know it's a crazy world out there haha um but yeah that's the thing that I find uh most common between our guests who have you know successfully raised money and and and those who have not is is just the conviction more than anything um people are investing in conviction uh that's that's something that I've Learned from this as well as talking to people you know week in and week out bringing someone new on pretty much every week this this year um it's all it's all conviction play and yeah yeah it's not going away I'm just trying to find the go investors as haha yeah you guys can tell I'm pretty I'm I have always been sort of non uh unconventional in the law I would derive results for my clients that were not you know that were multifactor multifactored we tend to be very binary as humans is it the lawyer and here's my here's what I do in this decision tree yeah open source open source open source don't open the sauce guys it's too early but open source in my thinking I believe that expanding your alternatives and your perspective uh huh I've got a bit of the Asperger's I'm told um but but so my point is on raising funds a conviction thing I know this is gonna happen um and I believe I'm the person appointed at this time to make it happen yeah you know you locked in I'm locked in when I sleep yeah and also another sort of occupational hazard that I deal with um in addition to what you're saying Spencer is that when we are building a future reality which is what we're doing we're building a future reality with tools that are not fully yet developed right it's gonna involve some guesswork and I could be right or I could be wrong but with the button down investor class you know I plenty people tell me I'll give you blah blah blah like I said co investors not go investors when you hit 100 k quarterly revenue I'll write you a check okay fine you know okay fine any what are you doing buy a string of McDonald's hahaha yeah I'm already pushing it was grock people clown me on that too on my ex uh AI council Dallas on ex the banner is AI Law Thought Leader haha and I just started writing all these concepts of the future for law and then somebody searched on grok my who is Cyrus Johnson and it said he's thought leader hey haha yeah haha I'm envisioning where this thing is going and I can see because I've been through thousands of iterations yeah this AI is uh what's missing in the law yep yeah I love that and that's honestly that's what we're seeing more and more is like oh it feels like a lot of industries have stagnated in innovation and progression right and it seems like there's just been this missing piece for so long and also an AI comes in and just fills that and it seems like it opens up new horizons for I mean every single industry that we can that we've looked into I can't give you my whole business plan or the recipe of what we're baking but I can say going back to the very beginning the information arbitrage between the old professional model and the client is being broken down hmm I don't know GPT and you're gonna get great content so the information arbitrage wall shattered the virtualization after the pandemic I must go into a courtroom I must go into my lawyer's office with the conference room think about you guys are too young you guys are too young you would go to your lawyer your corporate guy shit I've got to see my lawyer you go crosstown to downtown San Francisco you go into the California Building 1 0 so yeah more likely where my lawyer was with a view of the Bay Bridge with a view of the Bay Bridge um you go in there as an important person you'd be treated like an important person do you want a coffee you want a thing you want a latte come in and see our view you would look at a view of the bay San Francisco Bay Bay Bridge this is wonderful they'd seat you in a beautiful conference room with really expensive furniture and you would say shoot this is great the lawyer would come in with the nicest Italian um bespoke suit briefcase haha man I'm important they're important yeah hmm nobody's gonna leave their room anymore red red this is for uh the CEO class and the founder class and that I would say the investment class too we all realized we can get it done from right where I am and so with the law that means you're either gonna get in on that game hmm right keep telling people to come to your office and fill out a clipboard haha no no no you're good this is what this is what we bring guests on for like we we love when a guest just has a ton to say honestly I got time shows the passion yeah I hope that's what's coming through yeah I yeah yeah and it I think it's important to notice that you're speaking in the past tense for a lot of this like it's it is shattered like it's it's adapt it's adapt or die right now it's like you have to like it's already done and now it's what what do we do now yeah uh huh many many needs worldwide that are under served real life dangers like Spencer's talking about real life people in liability right criminal peril hmm hmm and the law is data and we can use AI to recombinate this data into tools and help people and the solutions right now are my lawyer telling me pay him or her or they're gonna quit and I get no information if you are of the corporate class the big 4 accounting um Pwc you can hire Harvey and Harvey will come in and build you the best stuff awesome great if you're not on that corporate class if you're a person if you're a startup if you're an entrepreneur you're gonna go on GPT you're gonna go on Gemini you're gonna have perplexity open I don't know about you guys I keep perplexity open that's my lead browser perplexity is a different product than internet search but my point is you have a legal problem you now have uh huh and these will grow um and then but finally does that mean that we're gonna do surgery on ourselves is that the best move um no so that's what project just is it's that third way we're gonna make lawyers AI plus yeah yeah and how you're gonna teach yeah you're gonna tell I'm not gonna tell I want the retainer and then I'll tell haha you're gonna tell because a smarter public is a more productive society and a better client for you uh huh GPT is already telling on you so Mister Lawyer Miss Lawyer you wanna voice in the AI revolution I'm calling you come to jest our goal is 10,000 lawyers and as I mentioned the special sauce 10,000 lawyers and 10,000 developers we built twin teams hahaha peer to peer expert giving low cost platform agnostic you developer use what tool works for you you're gonna head be in a marriage with a lawyer which is a whole another funny deal yeah that's I mean this is amazing Cyrus thank you for the work you're doing and I feel as a very non technical person in the law I I feel hopeful and excited that I I have tools at my disposal that I can be empowered to not be at the whims and mercy of the law you know I can I can know what's what's going on and how to confront any issues in the future no billing to the moon no giving up your life and your destiny to a man or woman in a suit who says hold my beer yeah I'm offering a hand I'm extending a hand here's a Vista Cyrus is your friend that's right um that's where we're founding with other companies and so please reach out to me I wanna talk to you yeah yeah and Cyrus in that in that vein if people do wanna follow you if they wanna reach out to you what are some of the best platforms if 1 if they wanna contact you 2 if they just wanna follow follow this project along you can look at AI oh my God the leading intellectual and builders free speech social media tool uh huh we just saw it we just saw it do director direct democracy we just saw open source debate that's democracy people punching it out so I'm on X at AI Council Dallas and I'd love to you know link up with you there awesome the elevator pitch is I'll build AI for you just will build AI for you in months and cost 1 million no in a week in a week cost you what cost you nothing lawyer you have the value you have the brains love it we'll drop those links they're saying goodbye yeah the invitation was very warmly received I did see some of your other shows I know who was on the immediate show behind uh before me the great Scobalizer yeah that's right you go to my sub substack Robert is a legend I'm one of his fanboys hahaha and I did a video on them on my substat so I'm super honored to be here excellent well thank you for coming on yeah yeah thank you so much yeah we'd love to see where this goes we'll stay in contact thanks so much Cyrus