AI Rebels
The AI Rebels Podcast is dedicated to exploring and documenting the grassroots of the current AI revolution. Every week a new episode is posted wherein the hosts interview entrepreneurs and developers working on the cutting edge. Tune in to benefit from their insight.
AI Rebels
Protohologram ft. David Nussbaum
Step into the future with the latest episode of the **AI Rebels Podcast**! We sit down with David Nussbaum, CEO of Protohologram, the company revolutionizing the hologram industry. Discover how Protohologram technology beams realistic holograms to any location, creating instant connections and redefining remote presence. David shares the journey from his love of broadcasting to creating AI-driven holograms that serve across education, healthcare, corporate, and entertainment sectors. From ethical considerations of bringing back digital personas to real-time interactive holograms—this episode explores the powerful potential and ethical dilemmas of Proto's tech. Don't miss this deep dive into the future of human connection!
hi everybody and welcome to another episode of the AI Rebels podcast I love you the CEO of Proto here with us today some very exciting things going on with you and this company thanks for coming on David oh my gosh this is amazing thanks I I uh I like talking about the technology and so this is gonna be a lot of fun for me awesome excited to have you here well thanks could you just give us a little bit of your background story uh where you got your start how you got into AI how you got into your current venture Proto oh yeah uh so I mean it really started when I was a kid if you've ever asked I've got three kids under 10 and I always ask them like what do you wanna be when you grow up when I was a kid I wanted to be a radio broadcaster I wanted to I wanted to run radio stations I wanted to be a broadcaster I always knew that my life was gonna be in communication field one way or the other I just absolutely loved it I mean I'm from I know uh Jacob's from the East Coast I was born in New Jersey and I was a big Mets fan growing up baseball fan sorry Jacob I know you probably Red Sox right okay so ha ha ha we I um I remember like this is like like I was like maybe 6 or 7 years old and my buddies and I we would watch the Mets games and we would turn the volume down and we would end up just calling the play by play didn't realize that was gonna be like that's a job that's a real job so anyway love love communications love broadcasting um just love the medium of communications and so uh I spent my entire career in that field what do you want hey did little little David what do you wanna be when you grow up I wanna be a broadcaster and so uh that's what Proto is Proto is the evolution of broadcasting I worked for 25 something years uh for CBS and for a bunch of different independent radio stations and through the years I worked at different levels of communication from on air to sales and marketing and and general management and and so um uh I took my love of broadcasting and I evolved it to a place where you're not talking into a radio microphone and hearing your voice come out of a speaker you're not looking in a TV camera and seeing your face on screen you're you're broadcasting you like you're beaming you from wherever you are to wherever you need to be and um uh in 2,011 I took a break from broadcasting and I I stumbled upon some very rarely used patents that were later used to put Tupac on stage of Coachella and so I ran the company that was known for bringing back all these dead musicians and as holograms so long story short after my several years of bringing back the late legends to posthumously perform I took the idea of that and my love of broadcasting and smashing together so pretty much instead of bringing back the dead I I use holograms to connect the living and here we are talking about it yeah ha ha thanks hey with they if there's if there's anybody who lives on it's it's Tupac but yeah that's I get that all the time every morning I wake up and I see my emails or look at my DMs on LinkedIn whatever my my my grandfather passed away or my I have I'm a huge fan of this artist can you bring them back and I'd really love my dad to walk me down the aisle but you know at my wedding but he's so I get I get a lot of those and um they're emotional and some we can do some some we can't do some are unethical to do some are right in my wheelhouse but that's where AI really comes in and uh you know you have to balance what is real with what is doable and um ethical yeah I'd be really interested to hear what are kind of some of the ethical lines that you guys run into that you you won't cross well I'm not gonna bring somebody back uh without either their prior uh acknowledgement and approval or uh somebody within the estate who runs so like if you're talking about bringing back grandma that's different than bringing back Michael Jackson and so always every my guidelines start with is this something that they wanted and can you prove it or is this something that the person who runs the estate if it's somebody that is a like an entertainer someone with a you know a celebrity legacy is this is this something that they want and can they prove that so once that hurdle is is accomplished uh then it then then we can start to having that conversation I'd say that's the most important thing and then with AI of the living uh it is um I need to know for sure that there are these guardrails in place because I don't want anybody saying anything ever uh that is against what their core principles are as as they are in real life and then um also I don't wanna I don't wanna take jobs away from people just to replace them with an AI version of the of the of themselves or something else so I wanna make sure that our technology is being used to enhance people's lives uh not to replace things in in their lives yeah interest I love that um maybe you mentioned the technology can we learn a little bit about the tech like what what does it do okay yeah what are the different parts moving sure I'm like when I started that this is so this is our tech right behind me this is my my hologram you know this guy look at this guy so uh my clone so the the technology this is this is the proto epic it stands 7 feet tall so it is wow it's so big does it have to be such a big box it does because that is um how you can get somebody who's 6 foot 1 to appear 6 foot 1 otherwise if it's such as if it was a small display uh or if the hardware was smaller uh it would not look like you it would be a not it wouldn't be a complete version of you so this technology this hardware is in place to allow for a person to physically appear like they're absolutely there like it's completely realistic and like the presence is authentically there which is ultimately what I set out to accomplish when I was 7 years old calling the play by play for the New York Mets all I wanna do is just make it sound or look like the person is actually doing it or there uh in a world where they can't physically be there by the way this technology allows anybody to beam into any place live into unlimited locations at the exact same time and the person uh this cat is a series of cameras and sensors uh allows me to see the person or groups of people or rooms full of audiences that I'm being beamed into live so it is a true uh you know teleportation uh interactive communication display and that was started before we really even dove into the um the AI of it all so this was a this was a live communication display when I first started and um and so now yeah beaming anybody anywhere uh in a sentence like that you know beaming someone haha well it is true I did look I I I I I I started off this conversation by telling you that I watched a lot of TV when I was a seven year old and that continues throughout my entire life so not just watching sports on television but watching science fiction and reading comic books and watching movies about about future and so I I do I've gotten a lot of my ideas from other people who wrote about them and produced movies about them I mean it is not I'm the first person to admit I take my ideas from Star Trek and from back to the future and from the Jetsons because they've been promising beaming they've been promising teleportation now is this really teleportation no am I really beaming anybody anywhere no uh I'm it's a it's a video stream uh that uh of a digital asset but that's kind of boring so I like saying that people I beam their holograms please yeah well you know uh I get a call about a year ago from William Shatner um Captain Kirk himself and he says I'm not gonna do his voice I did this once in a podcast and you know it turns out I'm not a good Bill Shatner impression but he said I made beaming people places famous how dare you beam anybody anywhere unless it's me so uh we get together and he says I have a a lecture that I'm supposed to give in Australia in Sydney Australia in three weeks and I'm here in I'm 93 years old and I'm here in Los Angeles um can we do it and so we did it we beamed 9,000 miles away we beamed the guy who made beaming people places famous William Shatter beamed him to the stage at this advertising and marketing conference where he was set to give a keynote speech and take audience questions and he beamed in he beamed out he was home in time for breakfast and he said to me afterwards this isn't a hologram company you're a time machine company you just saved me five days of travel of getting on an airplane and flying to and for a 93 year old five days is a lot of time so we've now done that several times and just last week we sent uh Shatner to uh Orlando Florida to speak on stage at a at another conference at the Vartech uh 2024 conference so it's really great beaming people places it's a thing yeah that's super interesting um I I I like a lot more than like you know just standard video chat uh cause you get a sense for the speaker's mannerisms in their in their body language which adds a ton to you know something like a you know presentation where it was just a yeah that's not engaging that's not exciting um yeah I mean it's the difference yeah it's the thank you for I mean it's the difference between communicating and connecting with somebody and the reason for the the body language and the nonverbal cues is so honestly it's so important when it comes to teachers beaming into schools or doctors beaming into in front of patients or beaming patients in front of doctors you need all of that or beaming witnesses into to give remote testimony in in courtroom so seeing the whole person as they stand with their shadows and their reflections and make it look like they're really there that's the that's the game changer that's that's why I think people are really gravitating towards this as I do the robot as I do the robot behind me but yeah it's like all of this was before you even introduced in yellows now these big AI technologies into what you do what what's that story how did you make that transition well it was a natural transition just like the you know three or four things that LED to me doing this I surround myself with really I'm the I'm I'm I'm the ever I'm surrounded by the smartest people in the world by the way our Proto employees and my colleagues and partners all could be working at NASA and Raytheon and and Amazon they work here and uh they're all given they're all given a very big voice uh it's a collaboration nobody I'm not you know although I'm the the founder and CEO it is a team sport here and so a lot of times like we have folks who like uh Edward Guinness or CTO or Raffy Krishche or Chief AI officer they say this is the trend this is where things are trending these are where things are going this is our road map it's uh and this is where we'd like things to go and I'm like oh yeah let's go in that direction uh because uh you know just having a holographic box isn't going to be the game changer of course that's the thing that got everybody excited about it but what does it do and so now they say these are all the things that we'd like it to do and that we know how to make it do um we've instead of creating our own AI tools what we have done is uh open allow for open uh we're AI agnostic so whether you whatever the LLM model is or whatever the AI uh toolset is it can integrate seamlessly into our open APIs and so now whether it's uh whether we're the visual personification of chat GPT or whether were some other AI uh tool set uh proto canal bring your your uh your tools to life and so that's that's where we went with this and it's so great like Matt Wood over at Amazon uh believes in Amazon Amazon Web Services they believe that this is the the incredible um visual representation of their AI tools let's see here I'm gonna put Matt Wood on while I'm talking about AI for a second uh here we go so so now I mean you could walk into uh Amazon Web Services in New York or we're set to do uh uh reinvent with them in December not just beaming people places but scanning a person and then allowing for that AI of that person to take over when that person can't physically be there or expand upon this person's abilities Matt Wood or me or anybody I could do this with Spencer I could do this with you I scan you and then I can make it look like you're in there but then you could speak in Japanese you could speak in in French and those are the AI tools that currently exist but not as a human realistic you know volumetric projection of you and now that does exist super interesting um I'd be curious what is the scanning process look like for for getting someone into you know a a proto well years ago you needed a whole room full of cameras and sensors and stuff nope it's your iPhone so we have an app we've developed an app for the for the iPhone it's called Proto Studio uh and it's on the Apple Store uh any any 4K camera including your iPhone in a locked off position and then we have some rules like it has to be a certain you know hide off the ground in certain distance but then you talk to it you talk into your camera for three minutes it captures and you know move your arms and and speak the way you speak talk about anything we talk about anything you want and it captures your cadence and your voice and your tone and and how you act and how you move your hands when you're talking about a certain thing at the end of that you upload it to the to the software platform that is uh you know within our overall platform and operating system and that's it uh the then it learns it uh and within minutes you can start either texting your your uh your uh your content and what do I mean by that so it's we call text to persona these are AI personas and so you can say hi I'm Spencer and hi I'm Jacob and Bubba Bubba all these things about my my podcast and then you hit the go button and within minutes your AI is saying everything you just typed into it so you're puppeteering your own AI and this is really important when you have to give that lecture or maybe when you're in a retail location and you wanna talk about the latest things that are on sale in aisle 3 but you don't have time keep recording something every single day so this offers you the ability to expand beyond your it's almost giving you supernatural powers you know it's pretty great and then there's the conversational aspect to it which is just mind blowing people lose their minds when they walk in here and then you could talk to you know hologram Howie Mandell or uh or any number or any number of the uh AI uh avatars we have it's just mind blowing I I've been surprised at how natural the advanced voice mode on GPT4O sounds and I can only imagine that attached to something like Proto like it would be it would be a little bit spooky almost haha talking to it um it's it's crazy where this technology is is getting to well it only seems spooky because it is it's rare to see that right now but you know give us three or four years remember I mean ah I thought the you know the internet was scary and then the like it's just when something really big happens uh and it's it's scary for the first little while because you don't quite understand how it works and then you learn yeah it's just a it's just a learning phase that we're all in right now but this is going to revolutionize the way uh we do business not just do business but educate our children and and uh and you know collaborate with our partners and even communicate uh with our with patients or with doctors I think that's really the most important thing is making a person appear like they're there whether they're alive or whether it's their AI uh just to you know uh make for a seamless future so is the current plan you mention it's 7 feet tall the proto um behind you are there different models is this the main model right now what's what's cause I can imagine I love you just with that size yeah we have um we have a a 2 foot tall version we have a little a little version turn my camera present we've got a little guy and this I've got means in in it's hard to see from here but it's it's um it's 1/5 scale because this is how we go from boardrooms into living rooms they're ready to go right now we've um we're in schools we're on uh we're on tabletops on on shelves in in in in big box stores in museums and galleries but yeah it's it's a mini me um like a Wonka vision so we've we've skip we yeah honey I honey I shrunk the hologram in it and it squeezes you into a a 1/5 scale so like you know maybe you're uh you know if you're 6 feet tall maybe you're 15 inches tall or something like that got it okay yeah it's a lot of fun are you gonna be focusing like right is the plan more so the communication aspect or are you gonna be running more with these AI personas going forward yeah it's so we're as a technology company we're not choosing how our partners are using it we show off the technology the capabilities of it we have a you know we've got several um folks who have written books and so they've scanned their their personas and then when they've dropped the entire text of their book into it and now their AI's can now go out and just start going on a holographic book tour reading chapters not just reading chapters but then anybody can ask any question about what's happening in that book and then the AI will respond to that question about what they were thinking when they were writing it well I mean so it's really really amazing uh it is being used in in airports as a wayfinder and as a directory information booth by the way international airport sometimes see 6 or 700 uh languages every year as people are coming in and out of every single country so imagine uh landing at JFK Airport uh where we have a couple of units right now and saying something to it in Italian and it speaks back to you in Italian and it's and it tells you about maybe not just where baggage claim is but maybe the fun things to do in New York while you're here so it's um it's entertaining it's educational it's informational um but I for me I see this in retail I see this in healthcare and I see this in education I think those are the biggest and corporate communication I think those are the best the biggest three or four buckets of of how our technology is either currently being used or where I think it's going I'd be curious uh have you guys explored any customer facing like customer support type applications for for something like this oh sure so we use humans as our customer support uh however uh we have sold our technology our AI tools and our live beaming technology through our through our operating system and displays to a lot of Fortune 500 companies and other companies across enterprise and retail commercial use cases for tech support uh customer support and a lot of other different you know just a variety of different ways but yeah it's it's an incredible customer support tool there uh I we have several customers using it right now uh you know in not the way that they intended to use it when they bought it like they bought it because okay we're gonna bring these to all of our trade shows and we're gonna load this thing up with all of our products so we don't have to shrub a whole truck full of heavy equipment and products like we could just have them floating around inside there and you know uh but then uh during off hours like oh wait a second I didn't know did this and it does this and it does this and now instead of renting one over and over again for trade shows they're buying dozens of them to use across different uh use cases in different parts of their categories in their company it's amaze it's sort of like how uh how I use my iPhone like I bought the iPhone to make phone calls that was like my main thing I was like okay what a cool phone I'm gonna make phone calls with this thing and then it's like oh wait I can text I can listen to my music I can go on the internet with this thing I can check my stock portfo last thing I do is make phone calls with it now so you might get it for one reason and then figure out 100 different ways to use it and that that actually answered my follow up question too um but one more follow up actually I just thought of so you said that with uh you're able to beam it live what does the recording process look like for when you're beaming it live is that still just the iPhone or does that require a more dedicated setup same process we wanted to make it ubiquitous like how can you uh scan for AI how can you pre record content and how can you beam live all using the exact same production process so uh any 4K camera you could even use your iPhone in a locked off shot and you know you'll use uh some lighting just like I've got a ring light here you can see it in my see it in my so like you would still use the same process it's a bit of a zoom on your side uh so but it's like a fancy zoom you know so like instead of sitting in front of a computer with a ring light maybe you've gotten a little bit of a nicer setup uh but ultimately at the end of the day it doesn't require anything more than the production equipment that you all currently already have or access to and uh and because of our app we have a live beaming app um on on the on the proto uh operating system that you upload your content and you could and you distribute it uh through our CMS um our content management system to all of your displays that you want or you can beam live I could literally hold my iPhone up and I could choose which person I wanna beam and I capture you I can remove the background so it you could be in the middle of anywhere and you can remove the background and then you choose the any number of our displays you wanna beam that person to and then it offers you a a return feed do you want a return feed so you can see who you're looking at and interacting with yes and sends it back to you in the form of a URL so you could just you could just drop that into any tablet or computer as your return feed so it's very it's it's multi directional and some of the celebrities that we've done this to they take that URL they post it on their social media so that their fans can see what they're seeing which is really wild nobody's ever been able to do that before you're actually seeing the audiences from the point of view of the celebrities like getting into their head it's really really amazing and I admire that that dedication towards uh making it as frictionless as possible cause you know you're talking about all this hardware and so that got me wondering as like you know what's the what's the hardware look like on the recording side um and that's amazing yeah yeah I use I use just like a regular off the shelf Sony 4K camera but people use their iPhones they put it on a tripod and then they hit the they hit the beam beam me up Scotty button and away they go love it David I mean Proto obviously has just really started to take off here oh no founders at such different stages whether that's in full production they're doing well or they have this idea so seriously advice for people let me experience what advice can you give please people trying to develop his novel technology enjoy the company sure uh I've got a few different depends on who I'm talking to but I'd say generally surround yourself with really great partners who have done this before uh I've never done this before so uh I went through a couple of rounds of really bad partners that really just wasted my time um but I found great partners and I thought it was interesting to is that a hologram behind you or was that a cat I didn't know okay oh when I can't stop him I love that uh so back to what is oh um surround yourself with really great partners don't and unless you have done this before and you have a track record of doing this you must surround yourself with great partners who have done this before for a couple of different reasons they know what you don't they've done this before and if you have to raise money very few people are going to invest in a in a in a nobody you know first time guy who is trying something out for the first time so however if you if your partners have a track record of scaling businesses and generating revenue and making money and doing things like that you will likely get uh large investments uh if you do it right the other thing I would say is um be open to pivot uh you you have a business plan and you write down your business plan and this is my business plan and this is how I'm gonna do things in this order guess what it's not gonna happen like that uh you know things things happen and you have to know that uh that is not um that is not a written in stone document you can pivot from that and a product we we pivoted several times we were called portal when we started so like that was we were thrown through like that was that was that was hard to do too um try scaling a business that nobody's ever heard of before that nobody's ever thought of before and uh in two years into your scaling and evolution try changing your name I mean that's that was that was hard because now you have to rebrand you have to start all over again so nobody saw the pandemic coming it's like wow how do we keep doing this type of business you know in a different in a different world in post pandemic people aren't back to their offices yet and people so there's a lot of things you can't be stuck on a single uh focus uh surround yourself with great partners and raise lots of money and um and uh and and uh be open to pivot and a hundred other things you know I mean I could tell you what's been kind of your favorite uh Frodo Story has the on Wednesday public official that has kinda stood out to you as someone who's really fun to work with or interesting oh yeah um you know Howie so this was a fun one I I I was minding my own business we were doing just fine our office was in Echo Park Silver Lake area in Los Angeles if you're aware of that area um at the end of uh a long day in February of 2022 uh Howie uh Mandel uh started just commenting on all of my posts on Instagram haha like I looked at my Instagram at the end of the day
it was like 5:30 I'm looking at her go why is Howie Mandel commented on like 100 things so one of the comments that check your DMs and he left his number and said uh this is the future uh call me and so I called him we met up that day and uh here in this space it was just a bit it was just a wide open warehouse is an empty production building across the street from the Van Nuys Airport um and he said use me like I don't want a penny from you I don't I just wanna I just think this is great for him it was a medical this wasn't solving an entertainment issue this was solving a healthcare issue because he has uh oh he has you know OCD and and germ he's a germaphobe and so this to him allows him to be in places that he couldn't physically be in uh because of different I'm talking about you in a podcast I'm as I'm talking about you walk in and that's why I love you do okay this is great so you never you never so how how is the how is the best okay and uh and so yeah I'd say that was one of my more fun um you know celebrity moments because uh I thought of him as like oh he's gonna wanna beam onto every stage he's gonna wanna do holographic concerts and he has done that but he feels safer and more comfortable in public um as a hologram than as a as a human and it looks like him and it feels like him and he can see the audience so it doesn't take away much uh of the experience from the audience member or whoever whoever is there right right yeah and like I mean I'm I'm just looking at it through a you know a camera feed but the the holograms that you pulled up in the background yeah here I get a little closer to it so um yeah look so it's the shadows are real like the reflections on the floor it's like he's inside this room with me I mean he he is actually inside this room with me but it's like he's there and it's absolutely wild stuff you know and then like for things just talking about things like you could put you could put products you could put products in there right and then you could and then you can even like does it have to come in a box uh no it could be built this is Paris Hilton she is also an investor and partner and friend and this is just a window into a another world so stuff like this and and she's leaving now there and goodbye so this uh I built this to show how technology our technology can be used in a um in in in retail imagine replacing all the bad for the environment uh uh plastic mannequins with holographic fashion shows and so H m and Burberry and Cartier and a number of retailers around the world have said yeah what if we just created holographic windows and so we're doing that now that's awesome uh that that brought up another question for me have you guys used this has have there been any uses of this specifically in tech uh excuse me entertainment so like you know throwing another person to a movie scene yeah oh uh not into a movie scene but to promote their movie like to beam them into a bunch of different movie theaters uh in the lobbies to communicate with audiences we've beamed musicians into onto stages we did this with Kane Brown we did this with Walker Hayes uh we uh jewel recently we beamed her a performance of hers into a a a museum in Bentonville Arkansas so jewel created this holographic art exhibition with us and Benville is the homeplace of Walmart and in fact Crystal Bridges is uh was founded by um Alice Walton of the Walmart fame so so we beamed her so it's yes it's being used all the time uh we just using AI we we did hologram Dana White the CEO of the UFC beamed his AI into the sphere event that they just had a couple weekends ago and he was able to speak Spanish to all the all of the Spanish speaking UFC fans he doesn't speak Spanish but it was the perfect Spanish and it the AI moves the mouth so looks like you're saying it and he appeared like he's physically there I'll just put I put Dana White on but it's yes it is being used all the time here's here's hologram Dana White behind me yeah so uh and then that was built into like a large setup at the sphere it was one of the most incredible I've never been to the sphere before that place is wild that was wild stuff but yeah entertainment all the time Mr Beast we just beamed Mr Beast from a thousand feet inside of earth in a subterranean cave in New Zealand we beamed him up and out to the top of a bridge in the middle of the wilderness of North Carolina and to check in on a another video that they were filming at the exact same time cause I say if you can't be there beam there and so he did he says okay I'm gonna take you up on that and so we beamed him like 85 hundred miles away and it was and it's um it's he's it's it's already dropped just got like 120 million views on on um we're on miss we're on Big Brother on CBS right now uh that show is using AI in fact we we scanned all the houseguests if you're not a if you're not a fan of Big Brother to you know to show where a bunch of contestants all live in a house and they all vote each other out one by one and then the winner wins a bunch of money but we scanned all the house guests and so now they're sort of puppeteering each other and messing with the house and it's on CBS it's really it's a really it's a really fun show and so that's that's great and we have a lot of other really great things coming up love it um David do you remember the and it's okay if you have a specific experience but do you remember when you first used you know like Chat GBT or whatever it was Umm hmm yeah yeah so um my favorite experience with chatty BT is I've got I've got 9 and 10 year old daughters Francis and Lucille and the three of us I I would read them books every night I'd say go to your bookshelf pick out a book and they and then they'd hand me the book and this is like when they were 7 and 8 years old um we don't do that anymore now I I ask them you know we create the book together and so they'll say uh you know I want a story about two daughters and their father and they're in a magical forest and so um and then you know they'll choose the the the um the audio like the voice and so then a book that they've had they had influence over writing is then read to them uh by chat G P t 4 o and it's amazing it is it brings us together they feel they feel confident they feel creative uh it's not them just listening they were involved in their in their bedtime ritual and it it's fun for me uh cause now I don't have to read a book like in in the dark I'm getting old I'm like shining flashlights down in a book it's it's uh I I absolutely love it um you know you can attract you between is a is a is an amazing tool and again hasn't replaced any anybody in my in my life what it has done is it has enhanced my abilities uh as a dad as a um even as a boss like it's sometimes uh there's a conflict happening in the office and I think I've got it and I'll say hey these are the these are the the steps I'd like to take what do you think of that and it'll help me you know well I don't think that maybe you know but uh whatever yeah whatever the thing is so I think it's great I'm a huge fan and I use it across a lot of different categories in my life but I mostly love it for the family stuff that's interesting yeah no me neither yeah yeah I mean it's so great because it it it connects me with my kids in a way that we've never had that connection before it's not just like a dad and his daughters and one's reading and one's listening it's we're all doing it together uh and it's so quick you don't have to sit around a table and paint a bunch of stuff and like that we do that stuff too but that requires a lot of additional stuff this again this just requires your phone and I just I'm just absolutely in love with it yeah I found it uh I want to see the people stealing our creativity cause for me it's it's I've use it very similar to how you use it where you know I'll kind of spew a bunch of ideas in there and then see what you know see what it gives me back or you know just use it for uh like I like to write poetry um I don't publish it a lot but I like to write it it's fun to do but sometimes you know like there's a line that I write I'm like hmm that doesn't sound quite right and chatty BTS incredible at giving me alternatives and and you know even if I don't use their alternatives like it it sparks uh new ideas in my own mind um it's just it's yeah nobody's getting writer's block anymore so it's not gonna write the book for you or write the poem for you but it will help you kind of nudge through the issues that you're having and maybe spark some ideas I think that's terrific you know I had a um a neighbor of mine has a barking dog that barks every single night and it's driving us crazy we live in a very quiet neighborhood we moved there because it was so quiet except my next door neighbor has like two or three barking dogs it's like when you know so I wrote I wrote them a text last night uh you know you know I love dogs too but you know when you gonna bring your dogs in and I was really nice about it and I'm certain she used Chat GPT to write her response in a text to me cause I'm reading this I go this is the most perfect response to what I just wrote and I looked at my wife I said I bet she's using Chat GPT on me right now I thought I thought that was kind of funny so you know conflict resolution I think that's great you know I'm not I'm not mad I'm not mad at that none do you mention is this AI whether it's chat GPT so much it's a force multiplier like you and your daughters able to put force you know however much effort yummy to be able to see what it can do in business in medicine in all these different areas where yeah now we can still put forth the same amount of effort we were doing but it's just gonna be amplified exponentially which is exciting it's amazing absolutely yeah it's and and we're just getting started so I'm looking forward to what a year from now with five years from now looks like mm hmm let's see yeah yeah well you know this is uh you know this is a fascinating conversation I I love talking about it um I love doing podcast because it this is what I wanted to do for a living what you guys are doing right now I wanted to be you when I grew up you know I met my I met my I met my wife on my I used to have a podcast I met my wife on my old podcast podcasting and broadcasting had brought me my entire life so I met I met I met Charlotte on uh on Episode 9 of my old podcast and I interviewed her it really well you know I used to use my podcast as a way of meeting people that I was too you know you just can't approach there's a lot of people that is just unapproachable um you can't just invite a celebrity to lunch like hey like I'm no I'm you know I'm David like but if you say hey I've got a podcast and I'd like to learn more about you and I've got an audience say oh this is an interesting thing yeah uh so it is great it is a great way to to meet people and you know hone your communication skills yeah it really is since did you have a question yes uh so I would be curious to hear about have you guys seen any healthcare applications in practice yet or is that something that's still down the line you're working with healthcare companies on rolling that out several uh most recently West Cancer Center in Tennessee uh they're using it to beam doctors from the big city in front in Memphis into the more rural areas of like in Paris Tennessee so um you know it is hard to get face to face with doctors a high quality caliber doctors especially in some rural locations not just in the United States but around the world in India and in you know there's a lot of you know there's a billion and a half people living in India with just about little over a million doctors and so and those doctors many of those are living in the larger cities so um beaming doctors into rural locations beaming patients in rural locations into the into the doctor's office into the hospital for evaluations uh for diagnosis and maybe even for um uh you know full interactions with and consultations with their doctor so yeah we're doing that with West Cancer Center right now it's amazing they are they are uh taking our idea and I believe they'll start to set a trend really soon we'll get calls from you know we're in 50 colleges and universities right now many of those are medical schools university of Central Florida is using it as a as a way of um you know lecturing and communication with uh future healthcare providers by current doctors and Phds so yeah it's yeah AAR AARP uh that uh that service they are interested in using Proto as a means of combating loneliness for senior citizens in retirement communities and in senior living facilities AI gives them the ability not just beaming their loved ones in and doctors in to their retirement community but they can also have AI avatars that they can communicate with because a lot of times uh grandma doesn't have grandpa there anymore and so this allows them to at least have somebody there all the time when they want to communicate and talk and that is one of the biggest problems with uh the uh that's one of the issues uh affecting senior citizens is um loneliness and so now this is help this is helping another thing I'd be curious to see is if it can help you know there's there's a lot of whether it's for ranching whatever um I'd be curious to see how this technology could help people you know even telecommute out to like a nobody wants to work at a gas station and you know Podunk Montana that's obviously probably way down the line but it's just fun to imagine future uses of technology like this and future applications yeah you know putting our holographic displays and in banks or in gas stations and and letting people beam in from their homes or from some central location somewhere uh beaming property managers into high rises or beaming uh tellers into banks again you're not replacing these people but you're just giving them more freedom to do other things and then beam in when required and then beam out and and spend time with your children or something like that so yeah I think that's uh I think that's actually a really good use case I think that that wraps up all my questions Jake did you have any more wow for listeners wanna follow you wanna follow Proto what are the best platforms yeah uh at proto hologram on everything so you can find me uh there I run our social media so if you email or if you uh you know if you DM or if you comment on something chances are I'm gonna see it first so on TikTok on Instagram on on on LinkedIn at proto hologram on everything or or you could find me you know look me up as well perfect well thank you so much for coming out we're very excited to see where Proto goes it's moving fast it sounds like you guys are a rocket ship just uh thank you and what I've heard thank you very much yes uh well hopefully we get to continue this conversation soon maybe if not in person maybe I could beam into your into your homes alright alright we'll do that next alright well thanks for having me